The Truth

This is where it starts, precious ones, the grandest
cover-up in the history of a planet. And, believe it or
not, this happens time after time on all planets where
human beings live who have Free Will Choice. And
once again it has taken you two-thousand years—just
like Esu Immanuel/Sananda (“Jesus”) told you—to
bring yourselves to the brink of destruction. Chelas,
believe me, it takes a lot of mischief-making to selfdestruct
a planet. My, how busy you have been.
You still seem to think the
universe revolves around this little blue-green emerald
of yours in space (heaven). Friends, you still think the
world is flat. You do not know that there are in your
own Milky Way galaxy, where your sun and planet

What do you think this knowledge will do to your earth if it were made known? All those who control you through money,
religion, wars, RACE CONFLICTS—they would lose
their power overnight. And that is something your
adversary is not willing to do without a fight.
Books (several dozen!) have been removed from your
Holy Bible, ancient writings and picture-texts have
been hidden from you, AND PEOPLE HAVE BEEN
BRUTALLY MURDERED to keep the secret of
secrets from you. And why not? It is just your souls
and spiritual salvation at stake. “Jesus” came here to
tell you that. The secret scrolls and the clay tablets
you found in BAGHDAD(!!) tell you that. And you
thought it was just over oil. Those planes flew
straight to Baghdad to bomb the places those
Sumerian texts were being kept so you ones wouldn’t
see them.
The entire drug trade is for funding to keep UFOs out
of the public awareness except the image that the
elite (your deadly adversary) wants you to have.
You have many portrayals of UFOs and
extraterrestrials in your visual and print media, but
there are two portrayals you are not allowed. The first
is of humans like you flying SILVER DISCS like the
ones portrayed in the motion picture “The Day The
Earth Stood Still” and the 1960’s television show
“Lost In Space”. That is a no-no concept for you to
have because it will be harder to fool you into
thinking only “little green men from Mars” do that.
The other portrayal not allowed is of “Jesus” riding to
Syria inside a “metallic light orb”, or “Silver Cloud”,
and “Chariots of Fire” parting the Red Sea. The
church would not stand for such a truthful blow. Are
the lights starting to come on? Or at least flicker a
bit? Your adversary is controlling you through fear
and superstition. You see, you-the-masses are no
different from the “bush people” you manipulate and
frighten with your airplanes and modern technology.
This is why you have “secret governments”, so the
masses can be fooled. If David Copperfield showed
you how he does his magic, no one would PAY to see
it. Your whole world is a carefully crafted illusion to
get you under control. And it has worked, to now, in